Self Improvement

50 hobby ideas for people who have no idea.

Hobby ideas for people with no idea

Fancy getting yourself a hobby but have no idea where to start? Check out my list of potential hobbies you could try. Pick a few, try them out, and let me know in the comments how you get on.

1. Knitting.

2. Crochet.

3. Cross stitch.

4. Embroidery.

5. Quilt making.

6. Decoupage.

7. Upcycling.

8. Scrapbooking.

9. Pencil drawing.

10. Water colour painting.

11. Oil painting.

12. Adult colouring books.

13. Writing short stories.

14. Reading novels.

15. Reading comics.

16. Drawing comics.

17. Photography.

18. Graphic design.

19. Photo manipulation (photoshop).

20. Silk screening.

21. Lino cutting.

22. Calligraphy.

23. Litter picking.

24. Volunteer work at an animal shelter.

25. Cooking.

26. Baking.

27. Watching documentaries.

28. Watching films.

29. Watching anime.

30. Dog walking.

31. Hockey.

32. Basketball.

33. Football.

34. Rugby.

35. Tennis.

36. Badminton.

37. Table tennis.

38. Netball.

39. Yoga.

40. Pilates.

41. Zumba.

42. Spin classes.

43. Cycling.

44. Hiking.

45. Speed walking.

46. Glass blowing.

47. Pottery.

48. Sculpting.

49. Leatherwork.

50. Wood crafting.

List of 50 hobby ideas for people with no idea

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Self Improvement

10 simple self care ideas in 10 minutes or less

Self love, self care, inspirational quote

What is self care?

Self care is small actions you take to look after yourself, physically, mentally and emotionally. These actions are intended to increase your overall sense of well being and make you a happier healthier more giving individual.

Why does it matter?

As the quote says, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Much like on airplanes parents are told to secure their breathing apparatus before their child’s, you must take care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else. You can’t give away something which you don’t have, so if your mental energy reserves are running empty this could be a problem for you.

But I don’t have time!

Oh, you really really do. Self care doesn’t have to take much time out of your day. It can be small actions which you do daily to help replenish your mental and emotional stock. Stick to it long enough and before you know it self care will be a habit, a natural part of your daily routine.

Okay, how do I start caring for myself more?

I’m so glad you asked! Self care is a pretty general term, so there are a lot of ways you can look after yourself a bit better. All of these are small ways you can practice self care, so should be easy to implement into your routine.

Simple & quick self care inspiration

Take time to freshen up.

Spend 5 minutes extra in the shower, brush your teeth in the evening, wash your hands with some nice smelling soap. Literally remove the grime from yourself and it will make you feel a lot better.

Listen to your favourite song.

Music is powerful. Put your favourite song on and have a dance, sing along, enjoy it. Choose a song which holds particular meaning to you to really feel the benefit.

Look away from those screens.

It doesn’t have to be for long, just a 5 minute break every hour if you work in front of a computer. Or pack away your phone for some time. It’s like a reboot for the mind.

Do some stretches.

Yoga is amazing and a proper routine is something you try and do as much as possible. However if you’re short of time just pick a few poses which you really enjoy and go for it.

Get into nature.

Find 10 minutes to go for a short walk outside and take in the beauty around you. Literally smell the roses. Fresh air is amazing. This could be a bit trickier if you live in a city, but work around your surroundings, even the most built up areas have some green areas.

Talk to someone you love.

And I don’t mean just text them. Either see them, or ring them. Spending time speaking to someone who matters to you will make you feel better about yourself and also about life in general. These are the kinds of people you should keep close.

Close your eyes for 5 minutes.

You could really do this anywhere (unless you’re driving, don’t do that). Stop and close your eyes, let them rest and your mind reboot.

Read inspirational quotes.

There are tonnes of them on Pinterest, or even a quick google search will pop something up. Find word’s which have meaning to you, read them, absorb them and take them to heart.

Write a journal entry.

Write out the good and the bad aspects of your day. Let any emotions you may have about them flow out onto the paper. The positive memories will be collected, and the negative thoughts taken from your head and planted onto paper. Win win.

Say some positive affirmations.

Positive words have a positive impact, tell yourself something nice and you will feel nice. It really is as simple as that. I have 2 posts I’ve written about this:

Give them a read through, the only way to find out is if you try it for yourself

These are just a few ideas, it is not exhaustive and it’s also important to work out a routine for yourself. There are a lot of resources out there surrounding the topic of self care.

If you have any other ideas please share them in the comments!

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Self Improvement

10 steps to becoming a happier person

I’ve often thought about what makes a happy person. Is it money? Is it good looks? Is it just plain old good fortune? And do you know what? Its none of those things.

Life isn’t easy all of the time, but what is easy is changing your outlook. You have the power to make yourself a happy person, even if some days you just don’t feel like it.

But flapping around in the dark is no use, you need guidance for this kind of thing. An idea on how to make yourself happier.

So, I’ve had a good think about things, and these are the 10 steps I have used to become a much happier person.

10 steps to becoming a happier person

1. Let go of the past.

Stop looking back, you’re not heading that way! We’ve all heard it, time to start embracing it. Whatever may have happened, whether it be large or small, is behind you. Some things can’t be forgotten, but you can train yourself to stop thinking about it.

Next time you start thinking about something you didn’t like about your past make yourself think about something you are excited about for the future. You can train your brain this way to stop dwelling on negative past experiences.

2. Be present.

Don’t let moments pass you by, embrace them. Whatever is happening right this second is important and you should take part in the moment wholly and completely. Allow yourself to take part in whatever is happening around you.

Letting yourself enjoy the moment is a game changer. Being more involved in your present self stops you from thinking back, and from also thinking too far forward. It is important to have a plan but not everything needs to be work for a single minded goal. Let the moment take you where you should be.

3. Put a positive spin on everything.

Something really rubbish has happened, how easy is it to dwell on just how rubbish it is? Not any more. Look at what has happened from all angles and find a positive one.

A good example for this is at work. Us humans weren’t built to live the way we are living, but for most of us we have to do something we don’t actively enjoy to get by. Instead of focusing on how much you don’t enjoy it, focus on the aspects which you do enjoy. It could be as much as the people are really lovely, or as little as the coffee is strong. Take whatever you can from every situation and put a positive light on it.

Your brain will soon become trained to looking at things positively, and it will become second nature.

4. Get out into nature as much as possible.

If you’re like me going to a country park is one of my favourite ways to spend a sunny weekend. But even if you wouldn’t consider yourself outdoorsy, just try it.

Leave the confines of your house and take a walk to a local park. Sit in your garden and read a book. Plan a weekend escape to a local camping ground. You need to reconnect with nature, even if you don’t think this is something which applies to you.

5. Unplug.

I wrote another post recently Why you need a no screen night which details why you need to unplug from social media, television etc. And also another post 10 things to do on a no screen evening with some ideas as to what to do on these evenings.

The proof really is in the pudding with this one. Getting away from technology as much as possible is great for your sense of well being. It also gives you time to focus on a hobby or spend more present time with loved ones.

6. Stop comparing yourself to other’s.

The rise of social media has made it all too easy to grab an insight into other people’s lives, and we automatically compare their lot to ours. Stop doing this. It isn’t productive, and normally people only post the very very best aspects of their lives on social media. It isn’t realistic.

Also, we grow as people at different rates. Have you ever heard the phrase “an old head on young shoulders”? Some people are naturally very good at life and succeed immediately. With other’s it can take a while. And that is great! If everyone was exactly the same life would be completely boring. Just because someone the same age as you has a fancy house or the latest car doesn’t mean you should have those things too. Focus on yourself, not on other people.

7. Stop caring what people think.

Oh, this is such a big one when it comes to happiness. How many times have you avoided doing something you would enjoy because you thought other people may look down on you or make fun of you for it? We’re all guilty of this, but it is time to stop.

Do you know what I really like doing? I love singing along to my music as loud as possible whilst driving in my car. I used to only do this at night for fear of someone pointing and laughing. Do you know what I do now? I don’t care! I’ll sing along, and no one has pointed and laughed yet.

Do what makes you happy and stop considering other people’s opinions when it comes to things you enjoy.

8. Leave yourself with time to be spontaneous.

My partner and I looked at our calendar recently and found we have so many different events and gatherings on that we don’t have a free weekend for some time to come. Which is nice, but on the flip side we also now have a really rigid structure to follow for the next few weeks. Which sucks.

Leave yourself some days to do exactly what you want to do at that exact moment. Look back up to number 2, be present and let your path flow where it wants to for the day. The day’s will feel so much more natural, and you then don’t have to do anything you’re not really looking forward to.

9. Learn when to say yes, and when to say no.

This is so important. Dependent on where you look you’re either told to say yes to everything, or say no to everything. But you need to learn how to accept offers and decline them in equal measure.

When it comes to saying yes, you need to decide whether it is something you actively want to do. And also whether it is something which will expand you as a person. Will you meet new people? Will you learn a new craft? Weigh these things up.

Likewise with saying no, is it something which will detract from your sense of well being? Will it put you into a situation which you would rather not be in? I’m not keen on partying or night clubs and so avoid those as much as possible. But you do have the power to decline any event you don’t want to go to.

10. Learn how to be alone.

Being alone is brilliant. I have a wonderful partner, lovely friends and amazing family. But I still ear mark time from each day where I will be alone and can do my own thing.

Your happiness is not dependent on somebody else, and it is empowering to realize this. Particularly with romance it can be all too easy to rely on other people for your happiness, but this is co-dependency and no one comes out of a relationship like that unscathed.

If you’re not used to being on your own, try it. And turn your phone off whilst you’re at it. You’re not completely alone if you are still contacting people.



True happiness is a difficult thing to achieve, I don’t think anyone ever is truly happy all of the time. And there is nothing wrong with that. But aiming for happiness is a brilliant thing and will change you as a person along the way. Let me know how you get on in the comments.

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Important life lessons I’ve learnt on the path to happiness

If you’ve read any of my blog posts before you’ll know that I am a self made happiness millionaire. Life wasn’t always like this. Only a few short years ago I didn’t really like myself, I wasn’t happy in my situation, and it was all too painfully obvious to the people around me who cared.

I like to think back to those times to remind myself just how far I’ve come in such a relatively short period of time. I also like to think about what sort of person I would be today if my life hadn’t changed so drastically. It makes me shudder, but all the more pleased to be exactly where I am right now.

Anybody else beginning this path to happiness needs to know it wasn’t easy. Along the way I had to face up to some pretty harsh yet pretty basic basic truths about life. A very wise lady I know told me “You don’t have to be happy all of the time” which certainly rings true.

Life lessons from the path of happiness

You’re not entitled to anything.

This counts for happiness, for love, for affection, for money, for food. You are not entitled to it. Just because you are walking this planet doesn’t mean you are entitled to it’s resources. You are not just a taking machine, you have to give something back, that’s the only way. You cannot expect someone to expend all their love on you without giving some love back. You also cannot expect money to be given to you, you have to work for it.

This is probably the biggest realization I faced during my darkest times. It is humbling, and inspiring. There is so much more going on in the world aside from your issues and needs. Take solace in this fact. Give something back.

People are not mind-readers.

Another huge realization for me. I used to have the tendency to be passive aggressive, assume that everyone should know what was wrong with me, and get upset with them when they didn’t fulfill my needs as I thought they should. That’s because I never told them what my needs were! This is so important across any relationship you have, whether with a partner, a friend, a family member, even work colleagues. Remember that they don’t know what is going on in your head, and vocalize your concerns.

This doesn’t mean fly off the handle. This means calmly explain what you need. Even if it just to have someone acknowledge your feelings. If you explain this to them you are more likely to get the outcome which is best for both parties, and be happier all round.

Pain is relative.

How many times have you complained about something, only to be told there are starving children in Africa who have it so much worse? I think this may be a British thing. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are starving children in Africa and my heart breaks thinking about it, but it isn’t fair to dismiss someone else’s pain just because another person’s is greater.

For some people big life events like death are easy to handle, for other’s they may not be able to cope with even the slightest disruption in their normal life. Dismissing someone’s pain is an awful thing to do, and it is awful to have it done to you. It doesn’t matter what their pain is, you should listen to them. And when it’s your turn they will be more likely to lend a shoulder to cry on.

Negativity is more contagious than any disease.

This one was a tough pill to swallow. I was a constant spewer of negative vibes. Work was rubbish, my friends didn’t care enough, wah wah wah. What I didn’t realize was that I was making the people around me unhappy too. They would begin to think about the negative things in their life, and I would bring the atmosphere down. This is probably why my friends didn’t always want to be around me.

But this is an easy one to take hold of. Instead of complaining I made myself look at the positives in every situation. This was effort at first but second nature now. My colleagues at work have better days, my friends are happy in my company, life seems a little brighter. All of that just from one person trying to see the positive in everything.

Only YOU are responsible for YOUR happiness.

You can choose to be happy or to not be happy. Its pretty simple. You also shouldn’t rely on happiness coming from somebody else within your life, especially a partner. This is codependency and no one comes out of a relationship like that feeling pretty great. You need to make conscious actions within your own life to improve your own happiness. Indulge in a new hobby. Make time for yourself every day. Do the things that you like to do.

On the flip side this also means you are not responsible for anybody else’s happiness. If there is a choice between their happiness and yours you must weigh up all options, outcomes and responsibilities. For example, you and a friend are both romantically interested in the same person. The person is only romantically interested in one of you. Its a tough situation but one that is all too easy to find yourself in. This is the kind of situation where weighing up your happiness and somebody else’s can be tough, but you can do it.

These are just some of the lessons I’ve learnt along the way.

Life is big and beautiful, but challenging. It can sometimes seem like you are being tested, but you need to remember you’re not alone in this desire for happiness. This is the number 1 thing most people want, and by putting out the right message yourself you’ll find the response you get back is more aligned to you. Stay strong people, it does get easier.

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Self Improvement

How I used Hygge to survive winter

(This post contains affiliates links, see my a full disclosure on my About page. I may receive a small commission for any link to Amazon. Any purchase you make helps support me write and provide this content.)

How I used hygge to survive winter

Winter is a struggle. The days are shorter, the nights colder and life just seems a little grey. With all the positive thinking I can muster I manage to make it through, but this winter was slightly different. I stumbled across hygge.

If you’ve been on my blog before you’ve probably seen my other post, My top ten tips to bring Hygge into your life, but now as winter is starting to draw to a close I thought I’m summarize just how hygge has helped me cope.

If you’re not sure what hygge is please read my other post as I explain in some detail what it is, and what it means. Its a total buzz word at the moment, and those who have embraced the spirit of it can testify as to the difference it can make in a person’s life.

I’ve still struggled with the winter blues somewhat, but it hasn’t seemed as hard. Here’s just some things I’ve found which have helped.

Always have a comfy blanket to hand.

We have a tartan blanket, not too thick, not too thin, which stays on the arm chair in our living room. It is always to hand. Whenever I start feeling chilly I pull the blanket over and snuggle up. It’s pure comfort and cosiness, and getting wrapped up makes me feel safe.

Plenty of cups of tea.

I’m not much of a coffee drinker, I’ve always preferred tea, whether that be PG Tips or something fruity. Something we invested in was a teapot, which is pretty amazing, and makes the process of having a warm drink just a little more special. It kind of reminds me of being at my Nan’s house. She always makes tea in a teapot, no exceptions. I don’t think she’s ever bought tea bags in her life! And it is the best tea. After being outside for any time during the winter a hot beverage is essential for warming the bones. Love it.

Alone time.

I’m an introvert. I used to hate saying that, but I’ve learnt to accept it about myself. I find spending time around people tiring, even close friends and family. Normally I also struggle to say no to social events (life’s too short am I right) but this year I decided to say no, to saying yes. I made sure to give myself plenty of time alone (or with my partner, his company isn’t tiring ever) doing what I like doing the most, drinking tea and reading books. It has been invaluable time to re-charge my batteries, and also gave me the time I needed to start this blog, something I’ve been wanting to do for a long long time.

Christmas scented candles.

I know, I know, Christmas is only one part of winter. But, the best kind of candles are Christmas scented candles. We bought a huge gingerbread scented candle and left it burning for pretty much the whole season (it had a much longer burn time than I expected, brilliant!). Every time I walked in the house it smelt like freshly baked ginger bread men, I couldn’t think of anything more comforting or homely. Even just thinking about it makes me want to get a new one.

Simpler food.

Since meeting my partner he has gone vegan, and I’ve mostly followed in his footsteps. This has opened our eyes to a whole new outlook on food. The meals we prepare together are generally much healthier, heartier and satisfying than anything I ever cooked before. I’m not going to preach that veganism is the answer to all of life’s ills, but it is definitely something you should look into as the food is so much simpler to prepare. Check out the Vegan Cookbook for beginners, it gives you a lot of information on the important questions people worry about, like where do you get your protein and calcium from. It has some pretty tasty recipes too.

A more basic home.

Back in November we moved into our first place together. We both had bits and pieces of furniture and art but nothing particularly cohesive, so we’ve had the basics but have expanded a lot over the last few months. We’ve stuck to neutral natural tones, dark wooden furniture and a few cacti and succulents. The place feels more homely than any other place I’ve lived in. We’ve kept everything basic, only “splurging” on a new sofa and arm chair (it barely counts as it was over 50% off, with a 15 year guarantee and fits in like it was meant to be).

These are just some of the ways the spirit of hygge has impacted my life over this winter, and has genuinely helped bring some sunshine into some pretty gloomy days. I genuinely believe everyone should take some of the basics and bring them into their lives. It really does make all of the difference.

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Self Improvement

10 things to do on a no screen evening

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10 things to do on a no screen evening

I wrote another post recently about why you should have a no screen evening, but now here’s some ideas for what you can do on these evenings.

No screen evenings are a fun way of unplugging from the modern world and spending some time with family and friends. You can remove yourself from distractions, like TV and phones, and enjoy the company you are in. Or, just enjoy your own company.

These are some of my favourite things to do on a no screen evening, hopefully you can find some inspiration to plan a no screen evening of your own!

1. Read a book.

Not just any book. Its that book which you’ve read a few pages of, but have gotten too busy to read anymore. Mine was The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks (a brilliant read about some really interesting case studies of very unusual neurological disorders, check it out if you like the weird and the wonderful). I managed to finish the book through a no screen evening. Make time for those unloved books.

2. Cook a new recipe.

Top tip for this one: make sure you either have the recipe written down or have a cook book to hand. The no screen evening can be ruined if you have to fire up the tablet for the next step. At Christmas one of our gifts was a vegan friendly hamper (my partner is vegan, I’m mostly vegan), which included The Vegan Cook Book for Beginners, perfect for us as I’m still coming to terms with vegan cooking. Get yourself a copy though as it is full of really handy tips.

3. Play card games.

Buy yourself a deck of cards. You know have the capability to play hundreds of card games. You can play Solitaire on your own, or invite some friend’s around for a game of poker. If you’re like me and have a wicked sense of humour then check out Cards Against Humanity. If you’ve not heard of it before then tread with caution. It is essential a question and answers game, you have to come up with the funniest answer from your hand of cards. However the answers are rude, crude and sometimes down right offensive. I find it hilarious.

4. Have a board game evening.

I have some really fond memories of playing board games with my family when I was a kid, bring some nostalgia into your life and find some of the old board games you used to play. We recently invested in Monopoly, and have spent a few evenings playing, although I am slightly over competitive and a sore loser. I’m working on that though.

5. Pamper yourself!

Turn off the TV, run yourself a bubble bath, pour a glass of your favourite drink and treat yourself. You could always get some face masks, hair treatments and really pamper yourself! One of my favourite things to do is pluck my eyebrows, they always seem completely untamed so this is a good opportunity to get on top of things.

6. Pick up a new hobby.

You’ll need to do some groundwork here, figure out whats the right hobby for you. I’m quite partial to a bit of knitting, but you could try anything. Paper craft, crochet, cross stitch, wood burning, home brewing: the list is literally endless. There are a tonne of books you can invest in, or pick up from the library, just make sure you have the basics to hand and go for it.

7. Catch up with friends.

Invite your friends over, and then all of you place your phones in a bowl. The first to break and check it has to take the rest of you out for dinner. This is a perfect opportunity to strengthen bonds with loved ones, and you’ll find without the distraction of technology you will learn so much about each other, particularly if it’s people you haven’t seen in a whole.

8. Clean all of the things.

Without the distraction of TV or Facebook you can really get into the nitty gritty of cleaning pretty much anything. I don’t enjoy doing the cleaning BUT I do enjoy a deep clean. I mean the kind of clean where you get on your hands and knees and scrub the skirting boards until they’re gleaming. Nothing is more satisfying than actually seeing a noticeable difference. It doesn’t sound like the most exciting way to spend a no screen evening but guaranteed you’ll feel better for it.

9. Visit a local park.

You don’t have to stay in for a no screen evening! Find a local park and go for a walk. Take a loved one, or go on your own, just make sure you leave your phone at home (or turned off, I always get worried I’ll need it). Without your phone to hand you won’t be tempted to just take pictures of the beautiful scenery, you can truly enjoy it.

10. Do some writing.

Get yourself a journal and write an entry. Get together with friends, each armed with a pen, each person gets to write ten words on a piece of paper with only the last word of the previous sentence showing. Hilarious. Always wanted to write a book? Now’s the time. You could even invest in an old fashioned typewriter! I’m a big fan of the written word, if you push yourself you may be able to come up with something interesting, just have plenty of pens and paper to hand.

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Why you need a no screen night

(This post contains affiliates links, see my a full disclosure on my About page. I may receive a small commission for any link to Amazon. Any purchase you make helps support me write and provide this content.)

Why you need a no screen night

What is a no screen night?

It is exactly what it sounds like, no screens for an evening! No phones, no TVs, no laptops, no tablets. This could be something you could try to implement monthly, weekly or even nightly. But you need to give it a go.

It’s something I’ve been considering for a while, and I do try to unplug as much as possible, but I have been struggling, mostly due to my love of writing blog posts! (And Pinterest, always Pinterest).

My partner and I have decided to dedicate some of our time together as being no screen time. I’m terrible for browsing through my phone, and he’s just as bad browsing through his tablet. But there are so many reasons why we should unplug.

Why should you have a no screen night?

There’s many many reasons why a no screen night is a good idea. If you’ve clicked on the link for this post you probably already know, in your heart of hearts, that a no screen evening is a good idea, but here’s some detailed reasons why.

1. Spend less on electricity.

Seems pretty obvious once you say it out loud, but the less electrical gadgets you have plugged in, the less you will spend on your electricity bill. I can’t say my partner and I use a lot of electricity anyway, but we’ll be monitoring how much our usage drops over the next few months. You can actually buy monitors to see how much electricity you are using, which is an awesome idea! This means you can actually compare your no screen evenings to plugged in evenings and see a numerical difference. Money isn’t the key to happiness but being able to save a few pounds is never a bad thing either.

2. Quality time with loved ones.

Again, this one seems pretty obvious. But without the distraction of TV or smart phones you can really reconnect with the people around you. I’m guilty of casually scrolling through Facebook when people are talking to me, I don’t mean to do it, I don’t want to do it, but its an unconscious action. Without the opportunity to grab my phone (I turn it off for no screen time) you’ll find yourself more engaged in the moment.

3. Happiness, pure blissful happiness.

Raise your hand if your guilty of scrolling through Facebook and getting a little bit jealous of what you see? Yep, me too. FOMO is a real thing and something you should be aware of. People only generally tend to share the best parts of their life on social media and so it’s easy to think that’s the way they always live. Not true. Even the most glamorous of Instagram models wake up with messy hair and smelly breath, just remember that. It’s almost like a weight off your shoulders making the effort to disengage from the rest of the world.

4. Self awareness.

No screen nights are also a brilliant thing to do on your own. Use that time to find something you’re passionate about, whether it be a new hobby, batch cooking meals for the week ahead, or even just having a bit of a pamper session. You’ll maybe learn something new about yourself. I’ve already learnt that wood burning is the coolest hobby in the world. I have a similar kit to this one which is good for beginners, but there are so many options out there to suit any budget. Pick something you can get passionate about.

5. Finding yourself with a lot more time.

Kind of linking to number 4, you’ll be surprised just how much time you waste either watching TV or scrolling through social media. Without a screen to distract you, you’ll be able to achieve so much more in one evening. I like to spend as much time as possible at the weekend unplugged so that I can prepare meals for the week ahead, and get ahead on all of the house work. I’ve batch cooked and frozen a tonne of pancakes. That’s a win in my book.

6. Saving the planet.

Yep, a pretty solid reason to unplug don’t you think? The less electricity we use, the better for the environment, simple as that. If you’re pretty dedicated to unplugging you may also find you are buying less gadgetry, which is again brilliant for the planet. In our house we have 1 TV, 1 smart phone, 1 tablet and 1 laptop. I see this as being slightly too much, but I know compared to a lot of households this is unbelievably little. But you know what? It feels good to have less.

Treat yourself, plan a no screen evening with friends, or even just on your own. Unplug from the world and see the benefits for yourself. There is only so much I can write to convince you it’s a brilliant idea, you’ll never know for definite the benefits without trying for yourself. Let me know how you get on in the comments.

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10 night time affirmations for a better nights sleep

10 night time affirmations for a better nights sleep

Affirmations can have a profound effect on our mental well being. How often do you find yourself saying negative words to yourself? It is too easily done. Change that around and say something positive to yourself.

Similar to my previous post 10 morning affirmations for a more positive day I wanted to focus on things you should say to yourself before getting into bed every night. Things which could put you into the right mindset for a peaceful sleep.

Sleep is really important for our mental well being. A rubbish sleep can truly ruin the next day, so it is super important you do what you can to combat this.

These don’t need to be said out loud, you could say them in front of the mirror or just to yourself in your head. I personally choose to think them in my head whilst in bed. But make your own routine, do what works for you.

1. Today has been good.

It doesn’t need to have been a great day, just good will do. Say these words to yourself and think about the elements of your day which have been positive. It could be something large, or something small like a beautiful sky. Take a moment to focus on these positives.

2. Tomorrow will also be good.

Again, it doesn’t need to be great. I’m a firm believer that positivity stems from realism and not expecting everything from life. The more you expect the more pressure you put on yourself to achieve something which may not be attainable. Look forward to the next day with the same expectancy you had for the previous day. Look forward to those good aspects.

3. I have achieved something today.

Whether your day has been stressful or fairly relaxed, think about your achievements. Again, these could be small or large. Don’t put pressure on yourself for those achievements to have been large. Some day’s my only achievement has been to wake up and get on with things. It really doesn’t have to be much.

4. I will not worry.

Don’t dwell on the inconveniences of the day, or any larger worries which may be clouding your thoughts. Roll all of those worries up into a little ball and put them aside to think about after you’ve rested. Sleep is the time our brains need to process different emotions so you won’t be surprised that in the morning that ball of worry will be a lot smaller, maybe even gone completely.

5. I accept what tomorrow will offer.

You’ve already affirmed that tomorrow will be a good day, now it is time to tell yourself to accept this. Opening yourself up to the possibilities of a new day will hopefully get you excited for what the next day has to offer. Thinking ahead is always better than looking back.

6. I will accept myself tomorrow.

Not every day is perfect. As much as we can try and put a positive spin on everything it is more important to accept what happens. And most importantly you should accept yourself. You cannot be perfect, and you shouldn’t even strive to be. You should strive to be exactly who you are, and accept yourself whatever that may be.

7. I will wake up on the right side of the bed.

How many times have you woken up in a bad mood? I know I’ve had my fair share of mornings like that, but put it in your head that tomorrow won’t be one of those days. Set yourself up before the night even begins for a much more positive start to the next day.

8. My dreams are important.

Sleep is essential, without it we would go completely crazy. Our dreams are a time for our brains to process information from the day, and to prepare for the following day. Dreams are important. Accept that.

9. I will leave today in the past.

You need to accept that the day has happened and there is nothing you can do to change anything. No point dwelling on it.

10. Tomorrow is a new day.

Following on from number 9, every morning is a fresh start, that’s something to look forward to right? Think of all the new experiences tomorrow has to offer. Looking forward is much more productive than looking back.

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Self Improvement

10 morning affirmations for a more positive day

10 morning affirmations for a more positive day

What is an affirmation? Google says it is the action or process of affirming something, and providing emotional support or encouragement. In this case you will be providing emotional support and encouragement to yourself.

Simply stating words of encouragement and support to yourself can have a really uplifting effect on your overall sense of happiness and well-being. It is so important to say positive words to yourself.

When it comes to other people, we all have kind words to say, but when it comes to ourselves we can be monstrously harsh. How often does that little voice in the back of your head say something kind to a friend, and something disapproving to yourself?

Well, I say no more. A good place to start is to say some kind words to yourself as part of your morning routine. You can say these out loud, in your head, in front of the mirror, however you need to feel comfortable. Just. Say. Them.

1. I am happy to be awake.

Let yourself know that being awake is exactly what you want to be. The dream state is all too comfortable and can be difficult to pull yourself out of. This affirmation can be especially powerful if you are someone who actually dreads waking up in the morning and starting a new day. Repeat this to yourself until you start believing it. It won’t take long, trust me.

2. I am excited for the day ahead.

It doesn’t matter what you have planned, tell yourself you are excited for it. Whether it be a day in the office, running around after children or not really doing an awful lot. Tell yourself you’re excited about it and you will be excited for it. Its like a self fulfilling prophecy.

3. I look forward to new experiences.

Even if you live what you consider quite a monotonous life you do experience something new everyday. Be prepared for these new experiences, tell yourself to anticipate their arrival, and to enjoy them when they come into fruition. Tell yourself not to be scared of them but to embrace them with open arms.

4. I can handle whatever today throws at me.

Yeah, that’s right, you can do it. Whatever it is, you can do it. Give yourself a boost first thing in the morning, and set yourself up to succeed. If you tell yourself you can deal with whatever the day throws at you then that will be the case. Also, if you’re resilience is being tested throughout the day you will think back to this affirmation and how it made you feel, and it will give you another boost throughout the day.

5. My life is good.

If you are reading this blog post on a laptop, desktop computer or smart phone then you have more in your life than many many people. Although I am a firm believer that suffering is personal, it is also good to remind yourself just how good you have it. Take a few seconds to also think about what it is in your life which makes it so good. Work, friends, family, a really cute dog. All of these things are beautiful and should be appreciated, take this time to do just that.

6. I enjoy the company I keep.

If you’re like me, you keep your circle of friends small. The people I consider friends are carefully selected and are immensely amazing. However, if you’re not like me and stay friendly with a lot of people, there is probably also a very good reason for that. Say this affirmation to yourself and know that the people you choose to incorporate into your life are there for a reason.

7. I will not compare myself to others.

The only person you should be looking at is yourself. Do not compare your looks to someone else. Do not compare your work ethic to someone else. Do not compare your life to someone else’s. With the uprising of social media (Facebook, I’m looking at you) it is now easier than ever to compare what you have to what somebody else has. This breeds nothing but unhappiness. Tell yourself to stop it. This affirmation will come to mind every time you look enviously at what somebody else has, and before you know it you’ll stop it.

8. I will not compete with others.

Similar to the previous affirmation, you don’t need to compete with anybody. Life is not a competition, none of us get out of this alive, so why not enjoy what you have and stop trying to have more than anybody else? It is human nature to look at what our neighbours have and want that and more. But you don’t need to, and you can train yourself out of it.

9. I accept who I am.

Acceptance is a beautiful thing. It is easier to accept other people exactly how they are, slightly less easy to accept ourselves. We see ourselves at our very worst, but this is good. You are exactly the person you are meant to be, and once you understand that it will be like a weight off of your shoulders. You will breathe a sigh of relief.

10. I am enough.

This is the affirmation to top all other affirmations. You are sufficient. Not too much, not too little, just exactly what you are meant to be. Like the bears with their porridge you are perfect. This is an accumulation of all the other affirmations in this list. You don’t need to compete because you are enough, you don’t need to compare because what anybody else is is irrelevant. Check out my blog post about Lagom to get a more inspiration about being enough.

Muhammed Ali quote

Try these every morning for a week and see how you feel. I can assure you they will make a difference to your sense of well being, the levels of your self confidence and your overall happiness. What have you got to lose?

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Self Improvement

The art of Fika

the art of fika

Fika basically means “to have coffee”. It’s a concept widespread across Sweden and Finland, similar to afternoon tea in the UK, where you meet with loved ones, have a cup of coffee with a pastry or a cake. In Sweden pastries are called fikabröd, literally meaning fika bread.

Fika breaks are common place across Sweden with many workplaces having 2 throughout the day. It’s a good time for colleagues to get together, chat and relax. Not to dissimilar to a tea break across the UK, however it does generally include eating something, whether it be a pastry, a sandwich or even some fruit.

As this isn’t a concept which has managed to reach other parts of the world as of yet you may think that bringing fika into your daily life could be a struggle, but with some minor adaptations to your day it could be achieved.

learn how to fika

Fika can be broken down into 3 main parts: a drink, something to eat, and a break from your daily routine. These are essential.

The Drink

Traditionally this is coffee, but it doesn’t have to be. I really dislike coffee but a cup of tea is a perfect substitute for me. Consider your options: what do you have available and what do you really want. If you’re in a café the world is your oyster but if you’re at home or at work you could be limited in your selection. Pick the beverage which you can see yourself enjoying.

The Food

It is commonplace to enjoy fika with a pastry, biscuits or cinnamon bun, but if you’re like me and trying to maintain/lose some weight, this may not be the right option for you. Consider having a lighter snack such as a piece of fruit, or maybe even a small sandwich or wrap.

The Break

This, for me, is the most important element to fika. It is a purposeful way of removing yourself from work and enjoying a short amount of time with friends, family or colleagues. We all know taking a break is good for our mental wellbeing: it gives us time to process information and lower the amount of stress we put on our brains. It’s also a good way of building, strengthening and maintaining the bonds we have with other people. We’ve all been there, we’ve lost track of time and before you know it we haven’t spoken to our closest friends for days, weeks or (if you’re like me) months. Use this as an opportunity to get back in touch.

There are so many ways of bringing a touch of fika into our lives. It doesn’t have to be a daily occurrence if you really can’t manage it. It could be a weekly treat. A weekly fika treat.

If you work and have allocated breaks, consider spending one of these breaks with another colleague. Have a chat about work and your personal lives. This is a prime time to build a bond with someone you otherwise may only see during working hours. Bring in some pastries or biscuits, put the kettle on and sit down for a chat.

Outside of work you could maybe organize a weekly fika break with friends. Make an occasion out of it! Get together at your favourite coffee shop and shoot the breeze. Remove yourselves from your general day to day activities and have a break with friends.

Fika is a fun concept and I hope you take some inspiration from it. My plan is to bring some fika into my Sunday routine. Let me know how you get on!

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